futurebox.com.br statistic



Here you can find a statistic of futurebox.com.br domain. It has 1 pages in Google search index. The server links to the network IP address The last update was at 2021-11-13.

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Search Engine Statistic   Search Engine Statistic
Google Index   Google Index 1
Yahoo Index   Yahoo Index 0
Bing Index   Bing Index 0
Google Backlinks   Google Backlinks 208
Facebook Statistic   Facebook Statistic
Share count 0
Comment count 0
Comment plugin count 0
Reaction count 0
Total 0
Antivirus Statistic   Antivirus Statistic
Google   Google safe
Norton   Norton safe
Social Statistic   Social Statistic
Pins   Pins 0
Location Statistic   Location Statistic
IP Address
Country United States United States
Region Utah
City Provo
Latitude 40.2069
Longitude -111.642

% Copyright (c) Nic.br
% The use of the data below is only permitted as described in
% full by the terms of use at https://registro.br/termo/en.html ,
% being prohibited its distribution, commercialization or
% reproduction, in particular, to use it for advertising or
% any similar purpose.
% 2021-11-13T08:02:27-03:00 - IP: 2a03:b0c0:3:d0::d0e:7001

% Permission denied. For more information, contact abuse@registro.br

% Security and mail abuse issues should also be addressed to
% cert.br, http://www.cert.br/ , respectivelly to cert@cert.br
% and mail-abuse@cert.br
% whois.registro.br accepts only direct match queries. Types
% of queries are: domain (.br), registrant (tax ID), ticket,
% provider, CIDR block, IP and ASN.

Record type A

Name Value
host futurebox.com.br
class IN
ttl 14398
type A

Record type NS

Name Value
host futurebox.com.br
class IN
ttl 86400
type NS
target ns2.futurebox.com.br

Record type NS

Name Value
host futurebox.com.br
class IN
ttl 86400
type NS
target ns1.futurebox.com.br

Record type SOA

Name Value
host futurebox.com.br
class IN
ttl 86400
type SOA
mname ns1.futurebox.com.br
rname contato.youhosting.com.br
serial 2021100701
refresh 3600
retry 1800
expire 1209600
minimum-ttl 86400

Record type MX

Name Value
host futurebox.com.br
class IN
ttl 14400
type MX
pri 0
target futurebox.com.br

Record type TXT

Name Value
host futurebox.com.br
class IN
ttl 14400
type TXT
txt v=spf1 ip4: +a +mx ~all
    [0] => v=spf1 ip4: +a +mx ~all
Headers   Headers
Name Value
Http Code HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date Sat, 13 Nov 2021 11:02:20 GMT
Server Apache
Last-Modified Tue, 26 Oct 2021 11:07:01 GMT
Accept-Ranges bytes
Content-Length 77103
Content-Type text/html

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